April 1, 2012

Keegan Kong

My oh my has Mr. Keegan changed! Its true when every one tells you, you want your kids to do things so bad and then when they start you don't want them to do it anymore!!! Keegan is 9 1/2 months now, he crawls, bear crawls, loves to play with doors, loves bath time, he walks along the couch, walls, and up the stairs. I can honestly say we have one of those fearless children.
Daddy & Keegan napping

crawled right over the laundry baskets

Look at my cool new trick!

Look at that cute little tushie
The weather here has been so nice. We have been taking a lot of walks, going to the park, and the zoo. Kyle switched to a new precinct in the old market area and is loving it. He gets to ride his bike while on patrol quite a bit! I have been loving staying at home with him, I feel like all the fun things are just starting to happen and I am so happy I don't have to miss a thing! Other than that not much has been going on. We have just been enjoying all this time together outside in the sun!

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